View Full Forums : Unkempt Druids

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  1. what is EQ (27 replies)
  2. Offense over Gates of Discord? (30 replies)
  3. You must wait longer before you can forage??????? (4 replies)
  4. I swear! (1 replies)
  5. Innate Run Speed: Here we go again (78 replies)
  6. Mobs at 0% and wipes (16 replies)
  7. It's pronounced 'fort' (53 replies)
  8. good bye EQ! i'm off to the races... (31 replies)
  9. Allaz Popups (12 replies)
  10. Donations (30 replies)
  11. I feel useless... (15 replies)
  12. Wanna know what else.. (5 replies)
  13. WTH is the Cancel button good for? (6 replies)
  14. Boo to the behemoth (11 replies)
  15. I hate this mouse so much right now... (43 replies)
  16. 2004 Predictions (47 replies)
  17. I think I damaged something... (12 replies)
  18. people who can't spell out words... (36 replies)
  19. Corporate Greed and Selling Out! (36 replies)
  20. IF YOU EVER! (16 replies)
  21. ? on Druids on Raids and Gear (32 replies)
  22. Bah, it's a conspiracy! (7 replies)
  23. "Quote Abuse" (11 replies)
  24. Bard songs... (15 replies)
  25. Bah (4 replies)
  26. screw this stupid game (24 replies)
  27. Smartfilter (6 replies)
  28. New old disciplines (26 replies)
  29. Casino (7 replies)
  30. lets get some jibes going!! (2 replies)
  31. the whining and dining of mage's (6 replies)
  32. started that monster thread "Tangled Web..." (11 replies)
  33. How many of you actually solo? I guess what i read isnt right (45 replies)
  34. I hate level 65 newbies. (25 replies)
  35. REVIEW: Magelo's Service to the EQ Community (90 replies)
  36. RANT: Help Stop The Lords of Everquest Pop-Up Madness (26 replies)
  37. Magelo Down (30 replies)
  38. Frostfoot's Fury (9 replies)
  39. Demmit Jim. I'm a druid, not an octopus. (15 replies)
  40. Disgusted. (30 replies)
  41. Why does the Druid class exist?! (51 replies)
  42. Tangled Web: Healing, HP inflation, Cleric Woes (1514 replies)
  43. Ninja Adventuring (48 replies)
  44. EQ players are like cats... (34 replies)
  45. Nedaria's landing (13 replies)
  46. Lords of Evernuisance (51 replies)
  47. Being Called A "Drood" (75 replies)
  48. BOT9 Stacking issue... grrr (4 replies)
  49. What a dumbXXX, or How Druids aren't DPS. (74 replies)
  50. Class Balance (weakish)... (28 replies)
  51. ahhhh casters realm boards (16 replies)
  52. Priorities (26 replies)
  53. Keeping the group at full health... (33 replies)
  54. Excuses on why the mob ran... (24 replies)
  55. DC pet in PoS? (4 replies)
  56. Question on types of focus (4 replies)
  57. Another Group from Hell -- This one featuring a rotten bard (35 replies)
  58. I guess they did it... (8 replies)
  59. ring of thunderous forces (5 replies)
  60. Top 10 reasons to Ninja Log (14 replies)
  61. Top 10 way to be a good druid. (9 replies)
  62. Overbuffers (45 replies)
  63. Irritating cleric (21 replies)
  64. Comparing LDoN Rogue Gear to VT Gear (35 replies)
  65. The Great Escape! (16 replies)
  66. Not exactly a rant. (5 replies)
  67. I can't muster any enthusiasm for LDON (64 replies)
  68. Comparing The Expansions Armor-wise (Is LDoN really good for casual players?) (67 replies)
  69. My Version of 'I haven't Laughed this Hard in Ages" (12 replies)
  70. Hail, an Unsnared mob (61 replies)
  71. Why LDoN isn't good for casual players (93 replies)
  72. I Am Not a Gimped Cleric! (75 replies)
  73. Help please !! (26 replies)
  74. Long-a$$ed signatures are gone forever! (13 replies)
  75. This means WAR! (9 replies)
  76. Unkempt druids suck (22 replies)
  77. Undeniable PROOF that Druids are Evil (7 replies)
  78. Woot my first new sig... (14 replies)
  79. Damn Druids! (2 replies)
  80. Help! Can't control this mouse ! (12 replies)
  81. Dentists! (15 replies)
  82. Council of 12 gnomes ! (4 replies)
  83. I haven't laughed this hard in ages (16 replies)
  84. To the SOS rogue who asked to come to our POI Dragon raid (25 replies)
  85. I REPENT! (34 replies)
  86. I said, PLEASE BAN ME FROM DRUID'S GROVE (13 replies)
  87. Terris Thule ORB Drop rate!! (50 replies)
  88. so how many (6 replies)
  89. Is that all there is? (15 replies)
  90. did LDON REALLY help any of the non-raiders? (152 replies)
  91. Talk about frustrating... (1 replies)
  92. Newbies (27 replies)
  93. How to Play a l33t dr00d (16 replies)
  94. Are any of the type1 augments not lame? (25 replies)
  95. Whiners versus Complainers (17 replies)
  96. Acceptable or Dirty Pool? (24 replies)
  97. Spawn Times (10 replies)
  98. MAKE THE 9th and 10th SHAWLS DEMMMMIT!! (40 replies)
  99. They just don't get it, do they? (20 replies)
  100. Quitting smoking sucks ! (42 replies)
  101. New petition: Dual wielding! (19 replies)
  102. Stupid Mouses =p (8 replies)
  103. The quest for power (14 replies)
  104. fancy titles (30 replies)
  105. Aidon... (1 replies)
  106. Guide to Flaming (0 replies)
  107. This ends it. (29 replies)
  108. Thanks for the tip, Autumn (52 replies)
  109. Well crap! (28 replies)
  110. Getting groups... (35 replies)
  111. 26th Aug - Patch Message (249 replies)
  112. any ramones fans here? (0 replies)
  113. It's SoE not Verant ARRGGHH!!! (25 replies)
  114. Protecting the Pineapple! (17 replies)
  115. Those whiney druids..... (73 replies)
  116. I remember reading this while waiting for my beta 4 cd... (20 replies)
  117. Hmmm, what's this? (38 replies)
  118. /flame not chewing (22 replies)
  119. /flame .... hell everybody (42 replies)
  120. Molilya (36 replies)
  121. Whatever happened to common courtesy? (27 replies)
  122. Need to clear this up 'cus its bugging me... (21 replies)
  123. long a$$ signatures! (51 replies)
  124. Sol C(averns of Exile) (23 replies)
  125. The "I'M NOT LIKE THEM!!!" Druids (45 replies)
  126. irrational hate and annoyance... (10 replies)
  127. Autumn -v- Alyssia (58 replies)
  128. LDoN = Vacuum of Norrath? (11 replies)
  129. The Growth Path (3 replies)
  130. Ownage on Eci Boards! (2 replies)
  131. Corruption of LDoN (92 replies)
  132. Hard core raiders are more than 5% of most servers.... (305 replies)
  133. Raiders of the Lost Dungeons of Norrath (202 replies)
  134. Who's a troll......??? (10 replies)
  135. The ketchup vs mustard debate... (80 replies)
  136. Thread killing posts..... (21 replies)
  137. Stop freaking asking me to order LDoN! (16 replies)
  138. Satchel of Abu Kar (26 replies)
  139. Do companies even have testers any more? (6 replies)
  140. Vex Thal - ARGH! (15 replies)
  141. Tradeskill supply sharks can go to $%^&! - and I mean it (19 replies)
  142. What is Risk in EQ? (468 replies)
  143. Wireless Mouses Rant! (39 replies)
  144. Well. (21 replies)
  145. Stop the spam please. (15 replies)
  146. I'm not one to start something..but this is war now.. (45 replies)
  147. Zone Revamps (254 replies)
  148. Rallos Zek Redux (9 replies)
  149. summon companion hat all/all from LoY? (11 replies)
  150. Focus Effect Balancing (10 replies)
  151. I hate Rallos. (19 replies)
  152. Druid not needed... again.... (4 replies)
  153. lol, new title! (5 replies)
  154. Death of a noob! (11 replies)
  155. Sony's asinine fetish (26 replies)
  156. Welcome to the Darkside (21 replies)
  157. Well... I finally quit! But not for all the same reasons! (5 replies)
  158. Trees v. The Trees ---Poetic Smackdown!!! (23 replies)
  159. Battle Clerics (33 replies)
  160. Love the UI changes, but... (3 replies)
  161. helping (8 replies)
  162. How Will they Twist THIS future plan? (10 replies)
  163. A very funny little site (4 replies)
  164. *steams* (25 replies)
  165. "My main is a blahblah but I have a druid alt, so...&qu (23 replies)
  166. Anyone else thinking about quitting? (55 replies)
  167. Rallos Zek Event change... (18 replies)
  168. WTF is up with GMs? (14 replies)
  169. Puzzle ? (2 replies)
  170. This game isn't fun anymore. (12 replies)
  171. EQ polls (1 replies)
  172. New view mode... (10 replies)
  173. Rant: Battle Rezzes (24 replies)
  174. Just because..... (5 replies)
  175. Bristlebane Server (1 replies)
  176. Is Absor a DUCK? (4 replies)
  177. Poor Absor (62 replies)
  178. Just thought I'd share (14 replies)
  179. Gods (36 replies)
  180. The path from A to B (6 replies)
  181. Graveyard Kiters --- WTF? (42 replies)
  182. Necros LMAO at Droods on the 90% Rez request! (10 replies)
  183. Bristlebane Server needs to be put out of our misery (12 replies)
  184. Someone finally freed the Sleeper on Xev, and I am sad (8 replies)
  185. Dilution of the Druid (16 replies)
  186. EXP Changes - Where's the nerf? (21 replies)
  187. Stupid resizing windows. (2 replies)
  188. Today is the day... (12 replies)
  189. New Spell Research - The biggest Crock of #$%^@ (16 replies)
  190. Why I hate SOE (15 replies)
  191. Attn VI or Sony.... reasonable request contained (7 replies)
  192. Who should EQ developers cater to? (17 replies)
  193. Powerleveling characters (3 replies)
  194. SotW vs Paragon of Spirit (17 replies)
  195. Exciting new game (11 replies)
  196. Analogy Central (4 replies)
  197. removing the need for flags!? (1 replies)
  198. grrrrr (8 replies)
  199. (4 replies)
  200. I was missing Broomhilda (8 replies)
  201. Enchanter account cancellations June 1st. (154 replies)
  202. Thank You Sobe (1 replies)
  203. Help me with a new title! (27 replies)
  204. Speaking of spelling problems... (17 replies)
  205. FYI - Plane of Disease Rat Charming (2 replies)
  206. change the name Everquest (8 replies)
  207. Watch out for a fee increase... (21 replies)
  208. Spec Spell Cost (36 replies)
  209. Is there a fix for the patch that wouldn't let people log in (2 replies)
  210. Time to two-box.. newest toon = Druid? (9 replies)
  211. It's AGRO! DAMMIT! (180 replies)
  212. I am really getting sick of zone crashes (4 replies)
  213. castersrealm (25 replies)
  214. Heals not registering in time, server side (12 replies)
  215. and the next nerf will be... (6 replies)
  216. Charm nerf: What they didn't tell you (19 replies)
  217. Aggro control (1 replies)
  218. Enhanced Root Description Change (0 replies)
  219. swg later (13 replies)
  220. My very first rant (15 replies)
  221. Okay it's offical EQ2 will be the best MMORPG ever. (40 replies)
  222. foxyfyre (1 replies)
  223. What is the fuss about KEI? (15 replies)
  224. The Best Two EQ Servers (0 replies)
  225. What has happened to MMORPG's! (33 replies)
  226. EverQuest2 (7 replies)
  227. Is this the last straw? (Charm nerf) (127 replies)
  228. The long-awaited Charm nerf (472 replies)
  229. Whinny Whine! (6 replies)
  230. SOE regarding the patch on Thursday (9 replies)
  231. So sick of dieing........ (3 replies)
  232. Star of Eyes. Grrr (8 replies)
  233. Under review? Yeah right (3 replies)
  234. Why do people hate The Druids Grove? (9 replies)
  235. Liars (16 replies)
  236. Salutaions (0 replies)
  237. LOY - Nerfed Loot and Pathing exploits (6 replies)
  238. For America Rally (Atlanta, GA) (1 replies)
  239. I am DUMB! (2 replies)
  240. What should I have done? (14 replies)
  241. 63+ spells (33 replies)
  242. Hamsters... (64 replies)
  243. Vanity. (8 replies)
  244. It's up! (0 replies)
  245. Uh oh... Alcohol and dye are a deadly combination (28 replies)
  246. New EQ server (6 replies)
  247. Cawfee Tawk: Questioning the "Work Ethic" in EQ (42 replies)
  248. /guildmotd (2 replies)
  249. My attidude (37 replies)
  250. LEVITATION why did they ever bother giving it to us? (17 replies)